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The smol process of long text creation and publication:

Concept ▷ Writing ▷ Collaboration ▷ Review ▷ Copy Editing ▷ ISBN ▷ Render eDocs ▷ Hardcopy proofs ▷ Print on demand ▷ Full Publication

Identity2 plays on the nom de plume pseudonym adopted by an author.

Identity2 is a resource and enabler for all stages of smol long-format text, focusing on a philosophy of write-once-publish-anywhere, open source and self-sufficiency.


Concept & Writing

Collaboration & Review


Photo restoration

Document conversion


Copy editing on Wikipedia


ISBN information


www Online LaTeX editor

Rendering E Documents


Document creation

Document Conversion

Hard copy D.I.Y.

Perfect binding

pdf Perfect binding

YouTube My Perfect binding DIY video

img DIY books

Print on demand & Publishing

Print on demand


Some suggestions on software tools


Code that makes this site work

Free Publishing on Gemini

Read eclectic collection of books and/or contribute your own


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This guide is published first on the gemini ecosystem, with a derived versions on the Web and for pdf download.

Best viewed with one of the Gemini Browsers below, but Web browsers for html also OK.

 ╭──────────────╮  ╭────────────────╮ 
 │Gemini Browser│  │ Platform       │ 
 ╰──────────────╯  ╰────────────────╯ 
 ╭──────────────╮  ╭────────────────╮ 
 │ Amfora       │  │ LinuxCLI/AndCLI│ 
 │ Deedum       │  │ Android        │ 
 │ Bomdadillo   │  │ LinuxCLI       │ 
 │ Buram        │  │ Android        │ 
 │ Deedum       │  │ Android        │ 
 │ Elaho        │  │ iOS            │ 
 │ GemiNaut     │  │ Windows        │ 
 │ Kristal      │  │ Linux GUI      │ 
 │ Lagrange     │  │ Wind/Linux/Mac │ 
 │ Elaho        │  │ iOS            │ 
 ╰──────────────╯  ╰────────────────╯ 
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