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Although this sites foundation is text, images are essential as well people expect clear high resolution images but those in your family or royaalty free collections are often faded and grainy.
Not only are powerful image editors like photoshop readily available but also very good open source editors like Gimp, Kritta etc.
Even more exciting recently are powerful A.I. algorithm that can take your grandma's tiny low resolution collection and scale them up to less accurate but much more usable higher resolution.
Two places to try up-scaling for free
These algorithms are often most suitable to run on an online service, not your PC.
www Colab Research Depixelizer
www Colab Research Depixelizer
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About histograms:
<a href="http://www.marginalsoftware.com/HowtoScan/using_histograms_as_a_tool3.htm
Open the combo box list and select a hypothetical source image to be scanned (e.g. Low-key - 2).
Adjust exposure until the maximum number of tones is reached. Usually this reached when the specular highlights (the right-most edge of the source histogram) nears the right margin.
Applying a black-white point setting displays any possible discontinuities of the tonal scale due to this function.
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This leaves you with flat, faded colours. Yes, time also fades colour. But the biggest issue is the scanning process itself -- it's not perfect.
To get rid of this without touching any of the real colours of your image, do the following...
Tips On How To Use The Levels Tool
Here's a few techniques to remember when using the Levels tool...
Do you see the "Input Levels"?
Take the middle arrow (the gray one), and move it to the right
In my scan I moved it to about 0.57-- toward the white arrow
Say your slide is too dark, then move the gray arrow left,toward the black arrow
That's all it takes!