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The specific of how this document is produced are in the "code" section
The basic structure of a ePub book is as follows, I have created eBook, mobi etc entirely from python scripts and it is possible and relatively easy. In practice however I found it easier to roughly assemble the book by script and through the editing stages, however instead of programming for all the edge cases just open it in Sigil to finalize, test, audit and final render.
ePub2 hello world
│ └── container.xml (file)
├── book.ncx (file)
├── book.opf (file)
└── chapter01.xhtml (file)
The file container.xml serves as a "bootstrap" for the book.
The .opf file contains at a minimum, metadata of the book, the list of all files (except for mimetype, container.xml, and the .opf) that compose the book, with their full path, IDs and media-types, and, lastly, the "linear" list of topics in which the book should be read.
The content of the dc:identifier element of the .opf file has to match the property of the meta element with name dtb:uid. Otherwise, www Epub-validate
does not validate the document.
Testing suite: Kindle Previewer 2, Adobe Digital Editions, iBooks, then on-device with Kindle Fire, Paperwhite, iPad and Android.
Font: serif sans-serif cursive fantasy monospace
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